
Our Subwatershed.com website is used by growers to report the Farm Evaluation Survey as well as the Irrigation Nitrogen Management Plan Worksheet and Summary Report that are required each year. The parcels that are farmed in Lake County have been entered into the website so that growers can easily report on the parcels that they are farming by December 1st each year. Once reporting has been completed, we then collate the data and report it to the Regional Water Quality Control Board before their due date.
The Subwatershed.com program retains data from the grower's past year reports so that the grower can print and view past reporting at any time.
Dashboard Items:
There are 6 dashboard items on the Subwatershed.com homepage that need to be completed and 'approved' each year before the March 1st due date.
These are requirements for growers only - landowners do not have to complete reporting.
Check to make sure that your fields all look correct and that each APN on your grower record is linked to at least one field. “Other” is no longer a valid crop choice; we have added more crop options.
Add your Management Practices for each field; this is a part of the Farm Evaluation Survey and/or Wetlands Management Survey that is automatically generated. If you farmed the same crop as the previous year, your Management Practices will be rolled over. All you will need to do is 'approve'.
Farm Evaluation Survey and/or Wetlands Management Survey and Nitrogen Management Plan Report are automatically generated and are based on this information. In this dashboard item you will also need to indicate if you have any Domestic Wells on any of the parcels that you are farming. If this information has not changed from the previous year, all information will be rolled over and you will only need to 'approve'.
An Irrigation Nitrogen Management Plan must be completed for every parcel and every crop, even if Nitrogen is not applied (you must check the “No Nitrogen Applied” box)
Irrigation Nitrogen Management Plans for growers with parcels within high vulnerability groundwater areas (HVAs) must be certified.
Enter the Ag well(s) that you have on your farm; as well as the parcel(s) that the well(s) are on. This information will be rolled over year to year and can be 'approved' if nothing has changed from the previous year.
Enter your Water Quality Meeting each year. If you do not have a meeting that you have attended you can contact our office to see what your options are to fulfill your meeting requirement. You can also watch the recorded video, see instructions here.
*These deadlines do not apply to growers whose acres are ALL planted to rice. Rice growers will only need to approve their FIELD INFORMATION dashboard item.
**Landowners do not need to use Subwatershed.com your growers will enter this information for your parcels.