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Lake County Ag & Natural Resource Day

This new annual event made its debut on March 16, 2017 and it was a huge success! At the 2017 Ag & Natural Resource Day there were over 1,000 Lake County youth grades K-6 in attendance who were able to take a one-stop tour of Lake County’s agriculture and natural resources at the Lake County Fairgrounds in Lakeport, CA. They got to see “Agriculture in Action” through tours and displays put on by various county organizations and groups. Students had the opportunity to see farm animals, participate in activities and learn more about the source of their food and fiber. They talked to farmers and learned about what it takes to raise plants and animals. The Ag & Natural Resource Day event is going to continue in 2018.

2018 Ag & Natural Resource Day

Date: Thursday March 15

Location: Lake County Fairgrounds

Time: 9am- 12pm


Join us for a day of fun and educational agricultural and natural resource activities!


For up-to-date information, contact the Lake County Fair Foundation at

707-263-6181 or or @

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